Friday, March 4, 2011

Night - Final Post

First of all I want you to tell me why you are going to vote in a year and a half if you are eighteen. Also, what does voting have to do with this novel?


  1. I'm going to vote because when it comes down to what you want you would like people to at least put a say in. They would want me to do the same. This has to do with the book because there were so many people who stood back and just watched everything happen to everybody else but didn't do anything since it had nothing to do with themselves. Once it had something to do with them there was nobody there to help them out.

  2. I'm going to vote because voting is the biggest way to get what you want from the government and to let the government know what people need. In this book, the people in the concentration camp did not have any say in what was happening to them. Other people in the society did not speak out against what was happening because they were not in a group that was forced to the camps. The people in the concentration camps were oppressed and the rest of the society refused to speak out.

  3. I'm going to vote otherwise how would the government know what the people want or need. I dislike when people don't vote and then complain about the outcome. In Night nobody spoke out to help save the Jewish population. People knew what was happening was wrong, but didn't stand up for what they knew to be right. Since they did not speaak up the people in the concentration camps were killed, beaten, and treated like scum.

  4. I'm going to vote because it's one of the biggest ways for your voice to be heard in the government. In this book, the people in the concentration camps didn't have any say. They had no way to fight back and nobody was helping them be heard. Regular society in the time just over looked what was happening because it wasn't happening to them and because of this the people in the concentration camps died, starved, and lost all the family they had. These people were never able to be the same, while the people in society were hardly affected compared to them.

  5. I will vote as soon as im old enough because its important to make your voice heard. Voting has to do with this book because no one cared to vote since it had nothing to do with them. Once Hitler came into power and all the bad things were happening, it is was too late and no one was even able to stop it.

  6. I am going to vote when I am eighteen because that's how you get the government to know what you want and what you think is best for society. Voting lets you get your voice heard. Voting has a lot to do with this book because the people in the concentration camps didn't get the chance to tell the nazi's or anyone else what was going on and how it was really affecting them. Also because the people that weren't taken to the concentration camps didn't speak out because it wasn't affecting them at all so they didn't think they should speak out. But once it did affect the rest of them there was no one to speak out for them.

  7. In a year I'll vote because I want my voice to be heard. I will vote because I want to mark my destiny, I want to be part of my future, I want to know what will happen to myself. I'm voting because I want America to be the best place to me. I will vote because I don't want to happen what happened in the book. I don't want other people to chose my future.
    During that time, they did not have the choice of who was going to be in power. They were not well informed in what was going to happen to them.

  8. Wow! It is truly exciting reading your posts. I hope that your class and your generation can bring some positive change to our country. Being an informed voter is actually your constitutional duty as an American citizen.

  9. Of course I'm going to vote. I don't like politics because no matter how much you argue with those around you they refuse to see past what they have heard and put into their head, to even consider your, or any other, opinions. You vote because it affects you. You need someone that you can look to and someone that has similar views as you in charge. Voting relates to Night because of how the Nazis became so powerful. Maybe it could have been prevented? That is why we need to vote. Because in the end, it does matter, and it does affect everyone.

  10. Next year I'm going to vote because even though my one vote may not change much, if we can get many young people to vote in could influence the outcome. We can stand up for what we think is right. In Night no one stood up against the Nazi's or the concentration camps. Also Hitler was voted in to that position of power and it could have been prevented. We need to vote so it doesn't happen again.

  11. I do plan on voting mainly because why not? I'm not that lazy to not take 10 minutes to fill out a ballot. Especially when the entire world could change depending on who becomes president. No, I'll vote for whatever it's worth. As for how it relates to the book, one reason the holocaust happened was because there were two main types of Germans. There were those who loved Hitler, and those who feared him. There was a third, minute group who formed an organized resistance, but that failed miserably and is a different tale all together that may or may not include Tom Cruise. Perhaps, if the ones who feared the Nazis had the chance to vote without prejudice, things may have changed. The oppressed may have won. But they didn't. The Nazis won the vote and history is written by the victors.

  12. I'm going to vote because whoever gets elected has the biggest impact on the world for the next for years, and I would want that person to be the one that would make the right choices for America and the rest of the world. Voting has to do with this book because had the people of Germany taken the time to research and learn what the Nazis' plans were if they were elected they would have never voted them into a majority in the Reichstag and there never would have been a Holocaust or World War II.

  13. I dont know, but i will most likely vote because it is our duty to do so for our country. And it relates to this book because if people took a stand like voting these terrible things wouldnt have happened to the jews.

  14. I will be voting and being involved in politics and who is making the rules for the place i live. This applies to the book becasuse people just let things like this happen and let the nazis take over. If people would have went against this it never would have happend.

  15. I will definitely vote as soon as I turn 18. My vote will help the some man or some woman get one step closer to running the show for the next four years. But voting isn't just essential in the world today, it was essential in the Night novel, mainly because if the German Government had a democracy, thousands of people would have made a decision instead of one raging lunatic. That way, the Holocaust probably would have never happened.

  16. When I am 18 I am probibly not going to vote the first time unless I know what I am voting for I am not a lot into politics an I don't want to make a crapy decision that would or could impact everyones future when I don't know alot about it. This relates to this novel because while all this happened everyone sat back and didn't do anything to fix the problem at hand because they arnt brave enough to stand up and do something to help people in need!

  17. When I am 18 I will vote. I will finally be able to decide who I want the president to be. The first time I vote I might be scared but after I vote a few times it will be a breeze. Voting relates to the book because Hitler could have been stopped if people would have voted on having someone else in charge. Then everything that happened in Ngiht wouldn't have happened.

  18. I'm going to vote because I want a choice in deciding who runs the government I'm in. Voting also has to do with this book because if they were allowed to vote then they could have chosen not to have hitler rule.

  19. I'm definitely going to vote. I want to have some sort of a say in what the government is going to be. If I could vote right now, i so would vote against Scott Walker. Voting relates to Night because the people of Germany did not vote to have Hitler take over, he just took over. I'm sure if they could have they would not have voted him to rule Germany.

  20. When I turn 18 I will vote so that I will have some say in what our country's future will end up as. Voting relates to the book because Hitler may have never came to power if different people had voted. German citizens didn't speak out against Hitler because they were afraid of the consequences.

  21. I'm going to vote becuase it is my civic duty. I also see it as a part of growing up and new responsibilities you recieve. As I have gotten older I started to understand polictics and wished I could have a say in what goes on, very soon I finally will. This book shows that voting is important so that not just any looney can take over a country and attempt to take over the world. Voting keeps our country in check from doing stupid and irrational things.

  22. A side note to everyone talking about the Germans not voting for Hitler. They were a democracy prior to WWII and they did vote. That's how Hitler became chancellor, and once the President of Germany died he recieved that position. So technically they did vote him in. Which also shows that if your good at twisting words and have voters that are down on their luck you can gain control. Votings great, but it wont always help to stop the nutjobs.

  23. I'm going to vote once i turn 18 because i feel like it is my duty as a citizen, and is also a right that i have. it is the way that my voice and opinion can be heard. as for how voting pertains to the book the people in the book didn't use their voice. people knew about what was happening in the concentration camps and would just ignore it or pretend that it wasn't happening. that was until it was them that the Nazi's were coming after.
