Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Night - post for second reading

There is a part in the novel when the family is on the train and a woman keeps screaming "Fire!" How do the people react to this woman? Is this perhaps an example of foreshadowing? What do you think is going to happen?


  1. The way the people react to the woman, is that people are trying to calm her down, because they just think she's crazy since there is no where near a fire surrounding them. It is an example of foreshadowing because it hints that once arriving at Birkenau the younger and older Jews are going to be sent to the crematories. I think that everyone will eventually die due to the concentration camps the prisoners are being sent to.

  2. The lady yelling Fire was Madame Schachter. She proclaimed that, at a certain point far away in the distance, there was fire. The people on the train with her would beat her till she calmed down and every night she would yell the same thing, fire! The other occupants said that she needed medical attention, and was hallucinating. I believe this is a very good example of foreshadowing. Later in the story, Eliezer sees just how real the situation was, "A lorry drew up at the pit and delivered its load- little children. Babies! Yes, I saw it -saw it with my own eyes...those children in the flames"(Wiesel 30). At the time, no one believed that there would actually be harm to them.

  3. When the lady screams, the people on the train try to keep her quiet and they tried to calm her down. The lady, Madame Shachter, does not keep quiet and continues to yell throughout the night. Some people decided to smack her upside the head and these blows were hard enough to kill her. This is an example of foreshadowing because it shows that the insane and feeble people would be sent to the crematory. I think many prisoners will die from lack of food and from being abused by the officers.

  4. The lady yelling "Fire," was said to be Madame Schachter. The people on the train with the lady thought she was crazy, insane, and annoying. Everyone was trying to get her some medical help, to make the train ride easier on themselves. They thought that the women was crazy because she made up the fire stories. Madame was not worried about the care of others forcing them to knock to her out. The people on the bus hit the women to get her to stop yelling. This foreshadows the horror that is lying ahead in many people's lives, including both concentration camps and crematorium. The woman is trying to tell everyone else that they will be burned to death in the furnace.

  5. The family thinks that the woman is crazy so they tie her up and cover her mouth so she can not scream anymore. some men also beat the woman to make her stop.I think it is an example of foreshadowing and that it might be forshadowing something that is going to happen to the people in the concentration camps that has something to do with fire ( burned to death).

  6. The reactions on the train to Madame Schachter consist of annoyance, fear, and also pity for Madame. The passengers are fed up with her continuous out lashes and decide to beat her harshly. The passengers also feel also fearful because although they know she is unhealthy mentally, one cannot help but to believe what she is seeing, death. Wiesel uses Schachter to foreshadow the unfortunate ends to many of the passenger’s lives. Even though all passengers display their annoyance about Madame's cries, you can sense the nervous and uneasy behavior kept inside by all for what will soon be ahead of them.

  7. The lady, Madame Schachter keeps yelling fire, and people are annoyed by this and beat her to calm her down and think she is mentally ill. Nobody believes her when she yells fire because nobody sees it, but it's foreshadowing i think to all the bad things to come and nobody knows it yet.

  8. The lady yelling fire on the train, Madame Schacter, was annoying everyone else on the train. They tired to calm her down, and when she continued to yell out some beat her to make her quiet. It is a major sign of foreshadowing. 'Fire' will be most of their deaths in when they get thrown in the furance at the concentration camps.

  9. The lady on the train that was yelling Fire! was Madame Schachter who was traveling with her son. Many of the people on the wagon with her was very annoyed and a little bit freaked out by her suddent outbursts of seeing fire when there was none. After a few times of her yelling fire a few people has tried tying her up and put a gag in her mouth to attempt to try and get her to stop. I think it is foreshadowing of what they will see when they get to Aushwitz. I think that the first thing they see when get there is the crematory.

  10. The people react to the woman as most people act to something that scares them, they harm her till she shuts up. Then they shut her up further by silencing herwith a gag. Its kind of like the natzi's treatment of the jews just less harsh. I believe this was ment to be the forshadowing of the people being sent to the creamatoriams. The lady may be crazy but she knows what shes talking about, as most crazy people in books, movies and sometimes real life.

  11. The people believe that this woman is crazy. At first they try not to listen to her, but as time goes on and she does not quiet down, people begin to get physical. They tie her up and beat her until she is quiet as her child watches in terror. This is definitely an example of foreshadowing, knowing that the people are being transported to concentration camps. In camps, the weak and the old were burned after being gassed. I believe that when they enter the camp they will witness the burning of people.

  12. Madame Schachter, the woman on the train who keeps screaming "Fire!". Many people thought she was irritating and insane. So, at first they just tried blocking out the screams; but that did not work so some of the others on the train tied her up and started pounding on her with blows hard enough to kill. This is most likely foreshadowing bad things ahead, maybe things such as the people getting burned to death by big flames.

  13. Madame Schachter is the woman who keeps yelling "Fire!" on the train. At first the people try to calm her down, but she consistently keeps yelling "Fire!". The people of the train then began to become violent with her and began to beat her severely. They are able to quiet her for awhile, until she begans yelling again about how she sees a fire off in the distant. The people of the train beat her again and gag her so she can no longer continue screaming. This is definetely an example of forshadowing. I believe they are being taken to a concentration camp, where there are most likely crematories. This is porbably why the woman keeps yelling about a fire she sees in the distance.

  14. When the woman (Miss Schachter) yells fire everyone just ingnores the words she is yelling and try to calm her as much as possible. however when she continues to yell fire the people are fed up with her nonsense and start beating her to make her shut up. this is a foreshadow because the people are on the train going to become creamated so the woman actually makes some sense.

  15. When she is yelling, everyone tries to calm her down. When she doesn't stop yelling people get fed up with her and start to beat her to shut her up. This is an example of foreshadowing because the people on the train are on their way to get creamated.

  16. As soon as I read this I knew exactly what the woman was seeing. She was seeing the furnaces and crematories of Auschwitz or other concentration camps. The people on the train were scared too, but they reacted by beating her and tying her up. The really sad thing is that her little boy was right at her side the whole time and that must have been a horrible thing for Elie to go through. The woman foreshadows events that are going to occur in most of the people's future. Everyone was so harsh to her and in the end, her 'madness' turned out to be logic. Many of the passengers with Eliezer were probably destroyed in the crematories.

  17. When the woman is screaming and acting crazy the other people at first, try to calm the woman but, as she continues to act out they get annoyed and want her to be quiet because she is making them all more anxious. So some men decide to hit her until she is silent. The fact that the woman is screaming "fire" is an example of forshadowing and suggest that someone or something will be burned.

  18. The woman screaming was Madame Schachter and the people on the train try to ignore her but then they become very annoyed with her. People start to hit her to try to shut her up, but after that does not work they tie her down. After awhile she gets out and continues screaming. The woman screaming fire symbolizes foreshadowing. Perhaps she knows people get burnt and the concentration camps.

  19. The people n the train react to the woman on the train very badly. They beat her even though their is obviously something wrong with her. Little did these people know, the woman was foreshadowing the brutal deaths that were going to happen to some of these people. Instead of beating this woman, they should of been more curious to why she was so crazy.

  20. Most of the people reacted to the woman very harshly. They tormented her while her little boy was her arm. Some people even thought that there was some kind of demon inside of her. This was a foreshadow of what would be happening to some of the people on the train. It was symbolizing the crematories known as "the fire" that the Jews would be burned into. Its is sad that those people would be her up even if she were acting a bit on the crazy side!

  21. People react to this woman by hitting her repeatedly to make her stop. When this fails, they put a gag in her mouth and tie her up. This is an example of foreshadowing, as I think many will face being burned to death and eventually the crematories.

  22. At first people react by trying to calm her down, but then they start to hit her to make her stop. This was forshadowing because what she saw really was happining, and would happen to many people on the train. She was "seeing" the creamatories that they were going to use to kill many of the them.

  23. I actually found this part of the book very disturbing. A derranged woman on the train started screaming, "Fire! Fire!". She kept telling the people she saw flames and death. The people, deeply unsettled by her screams, beat her every time she cried out so that she would be quiet. But when they arrived at the camp, one of the first things they saw was the smokestacks of crematories, and they witnessed people being thrown into the fires. In other words, yes, I do believe this is an example of foreshadowing.

  24. When the lady yells fire on the train people believe her at first. After they find out its not true, they start to get annoyed with her and try to shut her up. This is an example of foreshadowing because when they arrive at the concentraiton camp there is an actual fire from where the Jewish people are forced to burn fellow Jews bodies.

  25. When the woman on the train yells that there is a fire everyone on the train believes her. Then they start to beat her to stop her from worrying everyone else. I think this is foreshadowing because i think that she is referring to the crematoriums in the concentration camps and i think many people will die in them.

  26. When the woman first starts to yell, people get freaked out and believe there is a fire. When they learn that it is not true they start to beat her up to keep her quiet. Yes I believe this is foreshadowing the deaths of many Jews in the fires of the crematories at the concentration camps.

  27. When this woemen first yells everybody gets wilded up. they dont know what is going on but once they find out that there really was no fire then they started to settle down and get the lady to calm down too. the lady never does calm down but everyone is trying to help. I think this does forshadow something that is going to happen in the book. i think that many people are going to die when they crematorie them because they use fire for that.

  28. When the people are on the train Madame is screaming "Fire!" it is clear that soon we would sometime see foreshadowing. the people on the train feel almost scared for the girl and think she has gone absolutely mad! They tie her up, gag her and let her sit in a corner for the entire ride. when the people get closer to Auschwitz they do see a fire, the crematory.

  29. When the prisoners on the train hear Madame screaming "fire!" they simply believe she is going crazy from lack of food and rest. No one really believes her because when they all look outside, no one sees any type of fire, or blaze. This was obviously Elie's way to tell us of bad things that are coming. Once the train arrives closer to the camp, and Madame screams out for the last time, everyone on the train does see a fire, a fire which is the crematory.

  30. When the girl is screaming, they begin to be concerned and look out the "window" to see if there really is a fire. There is not and they begin to think of her as crazy from lack of food and abundance of stress. But after a whole night of this they begin to get frustrated with her and yell at her. After a couple nights of this, they accually beat her up to stop her. It is foreshadowing because they later get to the concentration camp and the people are being burned in the crematory. They see the dark smoke form the chimneys of the crematory.

  31. The people on the train, accept the fact the women may be a little disoriented by everthing that happened. But the people begin to get annoyed and they start beating her, to make her shut up. What she was screaming shows foreshadowing because when the passangers arrived the saw the fire that she was talking about.

  32. When people on the train first hear the cries of fire every one rushes to the windows to try and see whats going on. When they realize that there is no fire they all set back down. Then again she cries out and they start to get annoyed and they even start hitting her. This was an example of foreshadowing because they soon arrive at a interment camp and see fire out of the chimneys of the crematories.

  33. When she yells this at first the people are just annoyed with it, but soon they try to make it so she cant scream fire. Yes i think this will forshadow the events to come. I think this foreshadows the crematoriums in the death camps.
