Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Night - post for second reading

There is a part in the novel when the family is on the train and a woman keeps screaming "Fire!" How do the people react to this woman? Is this perhaps an example of foreshadowing? What do you think is going to happen?


  1. The other prisoners on the train react by trying to shut her up. I think her yelling and screaming frightens the others and makes there ride worse then it has to be. I think this is an example of forshadowing and that it implies that they will prolly go to the crematories.

  2. The people on the train begin to hit the woman to get her to shut up and they think she is crazy. It is an example of foreshadowing because it hints that once arriving at Birkenau the younger and older Jews are going to be sent to the crematories because they can't do labor and therefore the Nazis have no use for them.

  3. The people on the train are annoyed by this woman and try to get her to shut up by tieing her mouth, they keep calling her crazy and insane while her son just clings to her. This is forshadowing the creamatiories.

  4. The other people on the train believed the woman to be insane and had to knock her unconscious to cease her persistent cries warning of a fire. They tried to have her sent to the hospital car to be helped. Her warning forshadowed the horrors awaiting at the concentration camps, including the furnaces in the crematorium. Most people in the car will die or have their bodies burned in the furnace.

  5. The other people on the train with that lady thought she was annoying and crazy. They all knew she was just imagining stuff and there really was no fire. She kept screaming fire so somebody finally knocked her out, and that made her stay quiet. This foreshadows that there will be fires in the future. The fires are the body being burned in the furnace and the crematory.

  6. The other people on the train are annoyed by the lady and want to shut her up, so they tie her mouth shut. They also call her insane and crazy. This foreshadows that fire will play a role in there future. (bodies being burned in the crematory)

  7. At first the people seem sympathetic towards the old woman, believing that she was simply dehydrated or sick. After a while, however, several people got distressed by her sayings and tied her up and gagged her. Occasionally she would get loose, but she would always get beaten back into bondage. I hate to be a broken record and repeat all of the previous comments but the "huge flames" and "furnaces" she speaks of are obvious references to the crematoriums making it some not subtle at all foreshadowing.

  8. Everyone on the train is trying to get the woman to stop yelling. They thought the woman was very annoying and crazy and was making the train ride worse for everyone else. The lady screaming "fire" is foreshadowing the people being burned in the crematories.

  9. The people on the train are trying to get her to calm down and were annoyed by her. Her illusion of fire and furnace forshadows the crematoriums. This is scary how she is seeing this when the jewish people had no idea what was going to happen.

  10. At first the people on the train try to calm the women down by putting a damp cloth on her brow, but even that couldn't stop the screams. Because this did not work the people on the train could not take it anymore because it worried them and so they tied her up and put a gag in her mouth. Over all because the women was yelling fire it had to be a foreshadow that this will happen at the crematories

  11. Everyone on the train get really annoyed with her and try to keep her quiet and stop her from yelling. They hit her and tie her up in a corner to try to keep her quiet but she still ends up yelling about a fire. This forshadows the camp they are going to and what they will see when they get to the camp. The crematory at the camp and the stories they hear.

  12. When the people on the train with the crazy lady couldn't calm her they got frustrated and tried to shut her up in a more violent matter. They hit her and tried to make her stop and she made the train ride worse then it needed to be. This foreshadows where the train is heading and the fate of the people on it will most likely be destroyed with the fire the crazy woman is yelling about.

  13. When the people on the train hear the women they think she's crazy and try to make her be quiet. The others on the train beat her and restrain and try to keep her quiet but it does not work very well. I think it is foreshadowing that something will be at the camp that displays huge flames that the people in the camp are able to see and most likely be afraid of.

  14. When the woman starts screaming "fire", the people on the train are annoyed and bothered by it. They at first leave her alone hoping she will quiet down, but it only gets worse. After a while they decide to tie her up and gag her. This works, but the woman is so persistent that she breaks out one time. This is definitely and example of foreshawdowing, once they get of the train the woman is sielent, and the rest of the passengers are the ones now shouting "fire", "look at the fire". The fire is from the crematories in Auchwitz.

  15. At first everyone thought there was actually a fire, but after they look outside, and find there's no fire, they become irritated. They even tie the lady up and beat her to shut her up. This is definitely foreshadowing, meaning that the people on that rain are all going to be burned in one of the many crematoriums in the concentration camps.

  16. I guess the point of the foreshadowing is that the people on the railroad car do not know that there is a crematorium ahead of them. Later in the war there were rumors about what the camps held for the Jews, but at this point they had no idea. She seems psychic in what she is "seeing".

  17. The people thoght the women yelling "fire" was crazy. First they tried to settle her down but she kept getting louder and louder. The people on the train beat her up to shut her up. I think the foreshadowing is that the people do not no what is coming ahead, like the concentrations camps.

  18. The people on the train thought the woman was crazy and kept trying to get her to shut up. At first they just tried to calm her down but eventually they tied her up and gagged her. This can be an example of foreshadowing because the woman yells about "fire" which probably relates to the crematoriums.

  19. The people on the train tried shutting the woman up by hitting her because they all thought she was crazy. At first they tried calming her down, but after a while they knew it was no use and had to tie her up and gag her. I think this is foreshadowing because the yelling was chaotic and scary like what lies ahead of the passengers in the car.

  20. When the women proceeded to yell "Fire!" and toher things like that the people were getting upset at her. They asked her to sit down and knock it off quite a few times. Later they resorted to hitting her and almost having to knock her right out so she would sit down and be quiet, they also had to tie her up and gag her; which she ended up getting out of anyways. I think it is foreshadowing because it's scary and alarming when she was acting like that. The path ahead of them is also going to be scary and alarming.

  21. In the beginning the people believed her and would look out the window to see if there really was a fire but there never was. After about the third time the woman said it people were getting really upset and had to resort to tying her up and gagging her so she would stop yelling. This is an example of foreshadowing because when they arrive at the camp there is a crematory with smoke and fire.

  22. When the family is in the train and Madame Schachter was screaming "Fire!" everybody tried to shut her up and even beat her up trying to do it. All her little boy can do is try to calm her down and stay by her side. I feel this is a foreshadow to what was going to happen to the Jews in the concentration camps. I think she will die, and who knows what will happen to her son. Maybe he was thrown into a crematory like the children did.
