Thursday, March 3, 2011

Night - post for third reading

When Eliezer and his father get to the concentration camp they see many disturbing sights. Perhaps the most disturbing is a pit where babies are being burned alive. What are the prisoners reaction to this atrocity? How did you react when you read this part of part three?


  1. The prisoners are all very disturbed by this, as was I when I read it. Its horrible to even think that they could do such cruel things to people so innocent.

  2. As the prisoners walked in they were all disgusted and disturbed by all the things they saw especailly the pit with the burning babies. when i read this i could not help but grimmace and wonder how anyone could do this to another human-being no matter what their orders.

  3. Everyone was scared and worried that they were headed to the furnaces when they started heading that way. When Eliezer got closer and saw the terrible sights, he got nervous and was horrified of where he was. When I was reading this part, the whole thing with the concentration camps disgusted me and I could not even believe it was happening.

  4. When the prisoners witnessed this they all began to weep and worry about whether or not they would be the next ones to be killed. When I read this I was disgusted and shocked that anybody could do this to a person or really any living thing.

  5. When the prisoners entered the camp they were horrified by the things they witnesses, most specifically the babies burning in a pit. I was disturbed by just thinking about the image and it blew my mind how anyone could possibly to that to any human but especially someone as innocent as a baby.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. When the prisoners arrive at the concentration camp and witness these atrocites it causes a part of them to "die". The prisoner can do nothing but watch what is happening and in the instance of Eliezer all his inoccence dies and any chance to remain a child is lost. Any other person that witnessed this most likely experienced something similar. Along with this many prisoners felt as if all hope was truely gone, for where was God's mercy in those acts?

  8. The prisoners arriving at the concentration camp were aghast from the sight of the little children's bodies being burned in a pit. Eliezer admitted that he was so surprised that the vision prevented him from sleeping and at first he doubted if what he saw actually happened. When I read this, I was appalled to know that innocent children where so easily slaughtered in these camps.

  9. The prisoners that witnessed this dreadful occurance were horrified and appalled by seeing babies being burned. This kept Eliezer from sleeping and he couldn't believe what he saw was even true. Reading this part brought horrifying pictures to my mind and made me remeber what I saw, read, and felt when I visited a concentration camp this past summer.

  10. Well, the people were horrified at the sight of the burning children. They couldn't believe that in the 20th century, human beings were still barbaric enough to commit such crimes. Those visions will haunt Eliezer for the rest of his days. In other words, I'm just repeating basically what everyone else said. As for my reaction, I didn't really have much of one. Call me a pessimist, but I've really ceased to be surprised by the depths of human nature. After having the Holocaust beaten into my head nearly every single year in school, as well as other things I've seen/read about, I've gotten kind of desensitized to it all. I get it, it was a terrible thing that should never happen again but it's getting kind of old. That, by no means, makes it any less terrible or inhumane. It just helps prove the statement- war is hell.

  11. The prisoners could not believe that someone could do such a horrible thing to anyone. Eliezar said that he would never forget what he saw. He will never forget the flames that were in the ditch. When I read that part I could not believe that anyone could kill someone so innocent. It was really hard to read without picturing some kind of image of what it might have looked like. It was like I was standing right there but I really didn't want to be.

  12. It was traumatizing for the people. Not just because they thought that at any moment they could be next, but also because they couldn't believe humans would do this to one another, especially when it comes to babies. My reaction was hatred for anybody who was willing to actually proceed with this.

  13. The prisoners were all shocked and traumatized by what they saw happening to the other other prisoners, especially the babies. Eliezer said that he would remember the sight for the rest of his life. It really made me disgusted that a person could actually do this to another living human being.

  14. I think the prisoners are shocked but not one of they do anything about it, they cant. Eliezer said he will remember that forever. It is very hard for them to watch family members and people the know getting tourchered. My reaction is how someone could do that to a annocent baby. The babies did nothing wrong to the poeple to we thrown into the air and shot for target practice.

  15. As the prisoners walked in they were shocked and frightened that the same thing would happen to them. They couldn't beleieve that humans could do that to other humans. While reading this part I felt very sad and scared just like the prisoners. I kind of felt that I could picture what they saw. It was terrible and I hated it. Reading something like that really makes you think about how terrible sometimes people can be and also how lucky we are to be in such a safe and great nation.

  16. The prisoners arrie to the concentration camp to see disturbing sights as the burning babies, and they are horrified by the sight of this. As they were horrified by the sight of many other things such as throwing babies up in the air and stabbing them. My reaction to that was very sad and disturbed. I was also happy that the world has turned around and we don't have as severe problems anymore.

  17. The people entering the concentration camp were disgusted at what they saw. None of them could believe that these people were being so cruel to people, let alone innocent little babies. They didn't want to know what was going to happen to them. When i was reading this I was so appalled because babies can't defend themselves at all. It's horrifying to think that this all really happened.

  18. When Eliezer and his father get to the concentration camp and they see the things happening to the people, they feel as a part of them dies there. They see the faces of the poor kids being burned alive, babies! They PRAY, they pray for the people who are being burned, they pray for them to not be burned, they pray to make it. Eliezer saw on his father's face how he wished Eliezer was with his mother, he didn't want to see his son being burned alive. They both wondered how hims mother and sister were.
    When I read this I wonder if this could be real, how can someone do something like that? They were innocent people, what was their crime? They were separated from their family, they had to go through selection as if they were animals. When I was reading this I was mad at that people for making them go through hell. I was also sad, I wished I could have been there and helped somehow, even though I know that would not have been possible.

  19. The prisoners were disgusted by the things they saw at the concentration camp and I would have been too. I think the fact that they burned babies alive or killed them for that matter is even more horrific then most of the other actions the Nazis took. What could babies have done to deserve such cruel punishment let alone being blamed for things that they would never comprehend?

  20. The prisoners were all very disturbed at the sight of babies being burned alive. The fact that they did this shows how inhumane they are, but i guess we already knew that because they did that to jews already. I would never want to see this being done to anyone

  21. the prisoners were disturbed by what they saw, and i think some what worried that it would be happening to them next. it was very hard to read, and hard to imagine how people could to that to others.

  22. When the prisoners saw the pit where babies and small children were being burned, they were very disturbed and also worried that they were going to an adult pit to be burned. Walking towards the pit, everyone began to pray. When I read about this, I was disgusted and almost sick.
