Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Night - Final post

What is your duty as a citizen of the United States to prevent something like this from happening in your country? People fight and die everyday for the right to have a voice like the one you have, I want you to write me a response saying how you understand how important it is.


  1. I guess the right answer to this question is to vote. Having the right to vote gives us the freedom that everybody wants. It is very important if vote because if we didnt it is possible that another very smart man like Hitler could come along and all our freedom would be gone.

  2. Your job as a citizen is to vote. It's the only voice you have in this country unless you have a job that is political. People fighting for our country is important and it's sad that people don't vote from all of the sacrifices people have done. But in reality, a lot of people don't care enough anymore. Having a voice is important in your country and i think everyone should have some sort of say in what their country is up too.

  3. I think that theres no harm in voting but our covernment is too corrupt to let anything huge happen. And i doubt our votes even matter anyway with how sneaky washington is. If we dont pass a bill they want just watch something will happen 'randomly' that will cause americans to want it then. Like the bill before 9/11 to let the government listion to our phones n devices then something happened that caused americans to pass it when before they were very against it. That is just one example of many questionable govermental things.

  4. To prevent something like this from happening, we should vote. I feel that voting is an important way for people show how much they appreciate their freedom. Without voting, people's opinions will not be heard. This may cause the government to make wrong decisions in who becomes leader and what controls they may take. If you vote, you can have your be heard and prevent people like Hilter from taking action.

  5. Today in America people argue about "hot" topics without having knowledge on that subject. As a citizen of America, it is my responsibility to educate myself on the topic from both standpoints, but additionally to let my own voice shine through and vote. It’s crucial that all people vote because why waste a voice of ideas and opinions? In order to stop something as devastating like the Holocaust occur again, it’s crucial that we use the rights we are given and not take them for granted. Some claim that our votes are useless but my question would be why would one fight so hard for the right to vote if it meant nothing? Women's suffrage was a cause worth fighting for and now that we have the power and right to vote we should use it! If we want our nation to be shaped by the people and make those years of conflict count, we must vote with the knowledge that your vote does matter.

  6. Every citizen of the U.S. has the right to vote. This vote helps us voice our opinion and choose someone to represent us. If we did not vote, we could have another powerful leader, like Hitler, to take control over our country and this could make the U.S a dictatorship. Also, it's our job as a citizen to stand up against prejudice instead of ignoring the problems like what happened in Germany when Hitler tortured the Jews.

  7. Every citizen of the U.S. has a right to vote, when they are of age since it reflects a part of our lives. But if we don't vote when we can, then our country could possibly have another powerful leader to take over the U.S. and change our lives for ever. Which could make us a dictatorship. In a way if i don't vote, we could have another Hitler and i don't want that to happen since it could happen to us just the Jews had been tortured, we could be next if we don't help decide who want for office. My opinion is that voting for me could be just another way of expressing how i like my freedom. In time when i can vote, i will be able to have my voice be heard by many people.

  8. Everyone in the U.S. has the right to vote, but many take this right for granted. We have not known any other type of government except democracy, so we can't really see how lucky we are. Voting is important because, without a voice in the government, there is no one to stand up for what you think is right and what you think is wrong. Voting is one of the especial pieces of a democracy. In a democracy, the views of the people are shared and the power the representative have is also share. If you cannot vote, or choose not to, your views cannot be represented. Voting is your voice and it ensures that you have your Civil rights; without you civil rights, you give up your freedom.

  9. Our duty as Americans is to vote, discuss, and fight for what we think is right. It is important as well to be educated on what you are fighting for. Its best to make an informed decision. We dont need a bunch of ignorant people voting for something when they really have no idea what they are talking about. It is important that everyone know what they are siding with so that we dont have a bunch of mindless decisions put into action. When you know what youre voting for you can stand up against a lot of evil in the world.

  10. In order to stop madness like this from occurring, our duty as citizens is to vote, because when you vote you as citizens get to choose what is best for your country. Without voting you will have no voice and will never have anything go your way. If we don't vote the higher powers will make decisions on what they want and not what you want or what is best for you.

  11. My duty as a citizen is to vote and also to use our right of freedom of speech to help prevent something like this from happening in our country. This is very important to do because without voting a corrupt leader such as Hilter would be able to come into power and takeover if we would not vote for our beliefs. The importance of voting sometimes is over looked by people because many think that their vote doesn't really matter but everyones vote counts. Voting is essential to our country so we know we have a leader that will do their best.

  12. My duty as a citizen is to be educated and to vote on important topics like who our leaders will be and what they will do with the county. It's important to be educated because if u vote for something you know nothing about you could vote for someone like Hitler and you should vote so your voice can be heard.

  13. I think our duty as a citizen is to vote. you need to vote if you dont want this to happen again. but when you go to vote you should actually be educated about what your voting for because if you just go off of what other people are saying your vote wont matter as much. there is a reason why we have voting to get other people involed instead of the same people. We dont want another Hitler to be our leader!

  14. As a citizen of the United States my job is to vote. My job is to vote unless I want what happened back then to happen again. Also, by voting it keeps my country free, and gives me a voice. Without a voice nothing can or will go your way. Another thing if you do not people of a superior power will, and odds are it will not be what you wanted to happen.

  15. Our duty as a citizen of the United States is to let our voice be known. We as citizens need to voice our opinion and any oppositon that we might have. We need to use our freedom of speech to be involved in politics and we need to vote. If we vote for those that we want in office, then most likely someone like hitler won't end up in power. It is very important to use the rights we were given by the constituiton to prevent anything like this from happening in our country.

  16. We live in a country where freedom is always there, where the chance to achieve to always right around the corner. it is your duty as a United States citizen to vote and stay active in your community and your Country. Many people take advantage of the lifestyle given to them by the Constitution.

  17. Voting is just one of the many duties that we have as people of the U.S. However i would argue to anyone that it is our most important duty. If us as citizens do not vote than we will not be the ones that decide who will be in power and if someone we would not want ends up in in such a powerful position than the Hitler thing could end up happening all over again. I agree with what mark and the others say we need to let our voice be heard and use the Freedom of Speech if we dont want Hitler all over again!

  18. As citizens of the United States, it is our duty to protect each other and speak out about the wrongs being committed against a certain person/race/group. It is also important to vote and stay active in the community, as Jacob Anderson said before me. If we let the wrong people run our country, the outcome could be devastating. This is why voting is so important, we need to make sure that the person in office is the person who supports our wants and needs.

  19. As citizens of the United States, our duty is to protect others and speak against the wrong. It is extremely important for us to vote, and keep democracy alive so it doesn't turn into a dictatorship.

  20. As a citizen of the United States, it is my privilege and duty to vote. It is also my duty as a voter to educate myself about the issues. By voting, we can ensure that only humane laws are passed and that the holocaust doesn't happen again.

  21. I am a citizen of the United States, as a citizen, at the age of 18, I will have the privilege of voting in elections. Voting in our democracy is to ensure everyone has the option to show their opinion. Voting on officials and bills help to keep our government honest to our constutition and the right of individuals. This is to keep unfair laws from passing and to stop unfair treatment of people.

  22. i am a citize so in order to stop this from happening in my country i can not abuse my right to vote. it is important for us to have our own voice. everyone should be able to believe in whatever religion they want and should not be forced to be like everyone else. they should be able to voice their oppion on whatever is the issue.

  23. We have a huge duty as a citizen of the United States, we have to let our voice be heard and vote. We have freedom of speech that we can use to get involved in political subjects. If we voice our opinion and vote for the best canidate we can prevent someone like Hitler getting into power. We should not abuse our rights, we should us them while we still have them.

  24. As a citizen you should stick up for what you believe in. We should know what is right from wrong. I would of tried to hide the jews as the best I could from the torturing that happened if that had happened in the US. No matter the consequence, you should know what is the right thing to do. And to try to keep away from that happening you should vote for the well qualified leader you would want your country to have!

  25. One of the duties as a citizen of the United States is to learn history, so we do not repeat it, and another duty is to vote in our democracy. Without the right to vote we have no say, and then we cannot change the things we disagree with.

  26. I think it is my responsibility to vote to keep something like this from happening. Many people would give anything to vote, and many people in America don't vote. It also is not enough to just vote, bur you need to be well informed on who you are going to be voting for.

  27. My duties as a citizen of the United States are to know the history of our Country and others so that we shall not repeat it, one of my others duty is to vote. This is important because if you do not vote your voice will never be heard and you could be silenced and allow things like the Holocaust to happen.

  28. It is very important to understand how devistating the Holocaust was. In order to prevent such a horrific thing to happen again we need to be aware of what is going on in our country. Being a democracy, we have the right to vote, and we should utilize this freedom. By voting and keeping active in what events are going on, we can let our voices be heard and avoid devistation and destruction. Not all of us will grow up and become politicians, but if we vote and let our voices be heard we can make sure we don't let something like the Holocaust happen again.

  29. It is our job to stand up for the little guy and help everyone to have a voice and never let ourselves get big headed so this dont happen again. I think we need to use our rights to speak out against that of which we oppose and speak foreward for that which we agree with. We also need to vote for people with our belifs and we can all make world better.
