Monday, March 7, 2011

Night- first post

In the first reading we find out a lot about Eliezer, his family and the town of Sighet where he comes from. One of the most interesting characters in this part is Martha, the Gentile ex-servant of Eliezer's family, who offers to hide the family at the risk of her own life. If you were in this situation would you be able to show as much kindness and courage as Martha did? Why or why not? How does the fact that Martha was the family's servant make this situation even more incredible?


  1. If I was in this situation I wouldn't of hid the family since I was risking my life and there was a chance that if they found out I was hiding the family, I couldve possibly been killed. It wouldve taken a lot of courage to be able to hide the family like Martha had. Eventhoigh Martha was their servant she was still offering to hide them which made it even more incredible.

  2. I would have tried to hide Eliezer's Family as best as I could. I would have been more frightened by the situation but I think that it would have been the right thing to do. I also believe that Eliezer's family, particularly his father, was well liked by others. It was not just Martha who wanted to help the family even if it put them at risk, "It was not till after the war that I learned who it was that had knocked. It was an inspector in the Hungarian police, a friend of my father. Before we went into the ghetto, he had said to us; 'Don't worry. If you're in any danger, I'll warn you"(Wiesel 12). I think that at the time, Eliezer's family was well known and well liked by many, however it is still remarkable that a servant, who used to work and be bossed around by the family, would risk her life on their behalf.

  3. If I were in this situation, I would try to hide Eliezer's family. I would always remember if I had the chance to save a family, but didn't. I think it was a unique circurmstance that a former servant, Martha, wanted to help the family. However, because she was a servant, she probably got to know the family very well and was then almost considered a friend instead of a servant.

  4. I would be extremely afraid of getting caught by the Nazis, but I would try my best to hide the Eliezer's family. It's remarkable that she would try to help them because she was their servant and more than likely she had bad experiences while working for them and it is surprising that she likes them enough to risk her life to save theirs.

  5. If I were in Marthas situation I dont know if I would have been able to offer the family what she did. I would have wanted to protect them from a terrible fate but I wouldnt have wanted to suffer the consequences if I was found out. I think however if Martha was offering to help even when she knew it could get her killed she must have really cared about the family. So in that case if I really really cared about the people I would have taken the risk to help the people I love. The fact that Martha was their servant makes her offer even more incredible because she isnt even working for them anymore and has no deep connection with them but still risks everything to protect them.

  6. If I was in that situation i would help them because they are practically family and it should be the least you should be able to do for the family. If they died it would be like losing family and nobody wants that. The fact that she was the family's servant makes this incredible because her survival was in the family's hands because they employed her. Now the family's life is in Martha's hands which you wouldn't expect a servant to be in that position but she is and they are lucky to have her.

  7. If i was in Martha's situation, i would have tried to be just as brave as her. Even though she was their slave, in these situation i do not believe that it is every man for himself. The more everyone helps out others the better. When everyone helps others the better chance you have of surviving. It would be hard for me to be so brave at the same time. If i was a servant of a family, i think i would have a little grudge over them and it would be hard to help them.

  8. I wouldn't have helped them because that would be like helping my boss and if i got caught then i would be killed too. Its incredible that she helped the family because she probably wasn't treated the best because she was a servant so it shows a lot that she would still help Eliezer's family.

  9. Putting myself in Martha's shoes, I would know what the right thing to do was. Would I do it, I'm not entirely sure. The consequences are so great if anyone found out that I was hiding a family. I would like to think I would offer the family hiding, but the situation is so intense I don't know how I would handle it. The fact that I could lose my life I know is selfish, but it's human. Being the family's servant makes Martha's offer even more astronomical. If you think about how being a servant classifies one as being "below" in society, Martha is the most selfless person because she not only demonstrates her capacity to care, but also, even if she wasn't treated kindly at all times she still shows compassion to those above her which is extremely difficult to do.

  10. If I were in Martha's situation, I'd like to say I would like to say that I would have helped them, but I'm not sure if I would have. The consquences are very steep. Helping the family would be the right thing to do, and in the end I think I would hide them. The fact that Martha is the family's servant makes the situation even more hard to believe. Martha is very selfless.

  11. Would I offer to help protect the family? I think it would depend who I am living with. If I am married and have three younge children, I do not think I would be able to risk my childrens' lives. Although, maybe it would also encourage me more to try to protect them, or at least the children, knowing how protective I would be of my childrens' safety. Since she is a servant, I could see how she would be attached to them. That after living with them and helping them for so many years, she began to love the family like her own.

  12. If I was in Martha's situation, I would have made the decision to hide the Eliezer's family, while feeling nervous at the fact that I may get caught. If I would have been found, I could have have faced serious trouble; such as death. Martha, the servant, took a extremely hard challenge to hide a family that she was will to help by risking her life. Martha may have became more familiar with the family, thinking of them as a friend or possibly new family member instead of a servant. It is amazing to think how one person is willing to make a human sacrifice to give grace to others.

  13. It was very brave of her to offer such a thing. Id like to think that i would too because people shouldnt die because of there religion or race. Plus id kind of want to rub it in there face that after most likly being treated not the greatest, that im forgiving them for that and helping them. Id really like to think that i would show her courage mostly though.

  14. If I was in this situation I would personally have to say I would hide the family. I would hide the family even with the risk of knowing that if I got caught I would die, because I believe that in order to live a full happy life you must help others first. Especially, if they are in deep need of help. I think the fact that Martha was the family's servant is even more incredible; because she was mostly likely bossed around by them and she is willing to risk her life and save them.

  15. If I had been in Martha's situation, I think I would have also tried the family. It would have been a great risk to my own life, as it was to hers, but Martha is practically a part of the family. Or at least, she knows them as well as she would know her family. So, to not hide them would be like sentencing your own family members to certain death. What she did was incredible because no matter how she was (or was not) to them, she still merely a servant. She did not have to risk her own life for them, especailly since there was a possibility that they would not have done the same for her had the roles been reversed.

  16. If it were me in Martha's position i would have never been able to do such a thing as to hide a family at the risk of my own life. Nevertheless, a family that i am a servant of would make it even more diffult since it would be hard to have good feelings about them or even trustworthy of the family.

  17. If I were in Martha's shoes I would have been able to hide the family. It would be easy for me because I would have been the servant to the family so I would know everything about who they are and where they came from, its not a random person on the street that I would be risking my life for. The fact that she was a servant makes this even more incredible because she was bossed around by the family, and depended on them for her pay, and now they are depending on her for their lives.

  18. If I were Martha, I believe I would have done the same. When other people are in a tragic situation, sometimes you need to put others first. Yes, Martha took the risk of getting caught by the Nazi's, which would be a cruel punishment, but she did what she believed to be right, for people that were in her heart. The fact that she knew the family well, and was their servant, makes this incredible simply because she depended on them for so long, to provide money, and even a home, that it's incredible that now, someone who was a servant, is taking care of the family she once depended on.

  19. i think its very brave of Martha for taking in another person to hide and she is very kind and considerate but i dont really know what i would do, i think in the end i would be extremely careful and take the person in but in the back of my mind i would be asking why? and it makes it more incredible because its there serverant, she was once a servant and she is taking people in. i guess what im trying to say is, Martha once had a servant and she is depending on this person with her life.

  20. If i was in Marthas position i think i would hide them. I would be very very scared and nervous but i would hide them the best i could. The servents were probly almost like family to her so im not suprised that she did. the servents reiled on the family for so much and so they want to help them i think.

  21. If i was in Martha's position i believe i would try to hide them. Knowing i would be putting my life into danger would be the only thing that might stop me. However, it is evident that Martha really cares about Eliezer's family. If i really cared about someone or a family as much as Martha does, i would hide them. the ironic thing is that Martha was the family servant, yet she is offering to put her life into danger to help them. If i were in her shoes i would try to save them because i would probably feel like one of the family members, just as Martha does.

  22. If I was in Marth's position I probably would not have hid them. I think I would be way to scared to do that, and i would probably get caught. It is ironic that she is helping to hide them because she's the servant and it's way to risky to get caught.

  23. If i was in that situation I would hide the family. It is would be very risky, but after getting to know the family for so long after being their servant I would not be able to live with myself knowing I could have helped them bit didn't. I think the family seems very nice and didn't treat her bad, so she would almost be their friend. This would make it very hard for her to let them get put into a harmful situation.

  24. if i were in the same situation as Martha i would hide the family. By hiding the family that means that I would have a new danger to worry about in my life, but I would have known the family for a long and would feel bad if i didn't try to help them.The family must have treated Martha very well if she is willing to risk her life just to protect theirs.

  25. If I would be put into Martha's position I would not have been able to hid the family because I would be worried about putting my life in danger. I defintely would like to think I would but when it comes down to it i'm sure I would not have the courage to. She was very courageous in hiding the family and it's odd to think that she was once their servant but is now risking her life to help the family.

  26. If I was in Martha's position I would have definitely helped the family. This is because I tend choose to put others before myself, no matter the danger. If in order to save them I had to sacrifice my own life, I would choose to do so. Generally, a servant is believed to despise the family that he/she works for because the family is unkind. So in this case, it is surprising that she is showing the family so much kindness because one likes to think that she was treated otherwise.

  27. If I was in the position Martha was in, I would of probably have been a little worried. It would put me in the risk of being killed, but I would want to help the family. It should a lot of courage and I admire her for that. When you are a servant, usually you would be the one taking orders. In this case, Martha was the one offering and trying to protect the family which is quite surprising that she would risk her life after having to be a servant. It definately should that she had loved the Eliezer's family.

  28. If I was put in the position Martha was in I would probably help the family. The situation is, to say the least, dangerous. After getting to know the family though and being with them for so long I'm sure I would feel the need to help them out. I think I would for sure help the family because they were a part of my life and if I helped other people escape but not my own 'family' I would feel very guilty. Again, the consequences of being caught were risky, and lead to death, but being brought to a concentration camp could have lead everyone to death also.

  29. If i was in Martha's position I don't know if i would have been able to hide the family. It would take a lot of courage and I think I would have to actually be put in the situation to know what I would do. The fact that she was their servant makes this more incredible because it shows her loyalty to the family and also that she has respect for her employers.

  30. If I were in Martha's position I don't think I could have helped the family. I would want to help them, but when up against the SS there wasn't much to do. And if we were found we would be put to death, I don't think I would have had the courage to do it. The fact that Martha was their servant shows just how loyal she was and how much she cared for the family.

  31. Yes, if I were in Martha's situation I would have done the same thing. It shows how Martha is still loyal to the family, and will help them out.

  32. If I were in Martha's position i think I would have offered to hide the family. I would offer to hide the family because of the pain and suffering the Nazi's were putting Jews through. The fact that Martha was the servant just shows even tho she was a servant she still cared for the family and wished for the best.

  33. if i was in this situation i would help because its the right thing to do but it would be hard because you were there servant for the longest time. It makes it incredible because being a servant then offing to help the people who owned you takes alot or strength.
